Sunday, February 28, 2010

Raindancer Story

Jimmy Norman MacDonald (Big Jim) helped a friend sail a yacht to the Virgin Islands. He was on his way to the Airport to fly back to Nova Scotia when he saw a sign on a bulletin board.

Wanted crewman for sailboat to sail to Nova Scotia. See Captain Ron at Schooner Raindancer II. 

So Jim found Captain Ron and asked about trip. "Are you a sailor?" asked Captain Ron. "No"said Big Jim, "I am a songwriter". "We could use a songwriter," says Captain Ron and Jim was welcomed aboard. Big Jim had never written a song before but Nova Scotia was a long way off and he had a lot of time to work on it. You can hear the song here

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Rule of the Road for Steamers

Rule of the Road for Steamers

When all three Lights I see ahead ~
I port my helm, and show my Red
Green to Green ~ or Red to Red~
Perfect safety ~ Go ahead!

If to Starboard Red appear,
It is my duty to keep clear;
Act as judgment says is proper~
Port ~ or Starboard ~ Back ~ or Stop her!

But when upon my port is seen
A Steamer's Starboard light of Green,
For me there's naught to do, but see
That Green to Port keeps clear of me.

Both in safety and in doubt
I always keep a good look-out;
If in danger, with no room to turn,
I ease her! ~ Stop her! ~ Go astern!
by Thomas Gray, December 1877

The Black Buoy

  Louisbourg April thick fog pervades the town and harbour. In the silence between the foghorn hoots a high-powered patrol boat has looked i...